Showing you the way...

To see the game through an expert lens. If you are a quarterback and searching for a way to understand the game faster...

If you want to know the secret strategies that will accelerate your growth years ahead of your competition...

Then this course is for you...

See What Others Don't...

R4 is an operating system that contains verbal and visual strategies to accelerate decision making under pressure.

Quarterbacks that take this course will learn how to build a better decision making loop that maximizes performance on every play.

Tayden Carpenter


Ironton, Ohio

Thank you Coach Maddox for the R4 Basic Training Course.

One of the best things I’ve ever seen to read coverages and make better decisions. I wish I would have had this last season!

Cody Martin

OC / QB Coach JJ Pearce HS

Richardson, Texas

As a coach I enjoyed being able to to take the R4 Quarterback Basic Training Course.

 It was extremely helpful to be able to watch film from high school, college, and NFL quarterbacks that supported each concept taught. The material and drills I received will be a great addition to our current QB School.

The R4 system is extremely helpful in taking away the gray area that can be involved in playing QB and will definitely accelerate their decision making process.

Liz Worthen

Football Mom

Salem, Utah

This course has helped our son so much with his quarterback knowledge.

Coach Maddox is excellent in the way he presents it.

We believe now our son could open any football playbook and completely understand it.

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